
Lucky Numbers

A one-act play by Gwendolyn Rice. Dave is an actuary who believes in science, statistics, and probability. His wife Angela believes in serendipity. As they look forward to the birth of their first child, Dave realizes that there is no mathematical formula that can adequately sum up a life.

There are some things that math just can’t do.
— Dave

Lucky Numbers

Cast: 2M, 2W

Dave is an actuary who believes in science, statistics, and probability. His wife Angela believes in serendipity. As they look forward to the birth of their first child, Dave realizes that there is no mathematical formula that can adequately sum up a life.

Production History

2016. Full professional production, Milwaukee Fringe Fest (Milwaukee, WI)

2015. Full professional production, Samuel French Off- Off-Broadway Short Play Festival (New York, NY)

2006. Full production, Mercury Players’ Mercury Rising New Play Festival (Madison, WI)