
Post Script

Thoughts on theater from page to stage.

(Aside: An Audience Member’s conversation with Hamlet's Ghost)

Photo by Liz Lauren

Audience Member: So, should I go see it? 

Ghost: Absolutely. Lend thy serious hearing to what I shall unfold. 

Audience Member: What if I’ve never seen any Shakespeare before?

Ghost: Pursue thou this act. This production is perfect for you — funny, tragic, and real. Do yourself a favor and see this great play done extremely well. You will be surprised at how easy it is to understand, how instantly you care about the characters, and how much of the story you already know. You’ve been soaking in it this whole time.

Audience Member: What if I’ve already seen Hamlet? 

Ghost: Brief let me be. Go again. You’ve never seen it like this. 

Photo by Liz Lauren

Audience Member: But–

Ghost: Go. Swear you will. Go!

(End of Aside)

Gwen Rice